7 Characteristics People Consider Attractive

Trying to get someone can be tricky, because something that is relevant to you may not be to the other person. A sculpted body or a wide smile are characteristics that everyone thinks are important, but they are not always enough to start a relationship. Here we gather 7 characteristics that, according to science, can be very effective:

1. Sense of humor


Who doesn't like to laugh? According to one study, women are more likely to like men with a sense of humor. That would be a good indicator of intelligence, and women would be more genetically inclined to look for this trait to pass it on to their children. The same study showed that the opposite is not valid; For men, a sense of humor is a differential, but not essential.

2. The tone of voice

Women with a thin voice give an impression of playfulness and even look thinner! Already men with deep voice give an impression of masculinity and become more attractive to women, with the association of tone with a higher level of testosterone. The influence of voice on attraction between people was studied, and these were the main conclusions reached.

3. Owning a pet


That sang asking for the puppy's phone is more than manageable, but having a pet really helps make people look more attractive. In a study done in 2008, a man approached women, then asked for their phone number. In half the attempts he was accompanied by one dog and the other alone. With the pet next to him, the man got 3 times more phone numbers than without him. Look: another reason to treat your little friend well.

4. Beard


If you woke up late and ended up shaving, we have good news. A study of more than 8, 000 women showed that unshaven men are more attractive when compared to men with large beards or those who always have a beard. The results showed that, in the case of stubble, women considered men more attractive, but for short term relationships. Barbados had a good evaluation when considering a lasting relationship.

5. Have a social circle

People look more attractive when they are interacting in a group, pointed out a survey done in 2014. Although there are only theories on the subject, the author explained the reasons by saying that “our brain is likely to evaluate the faces of everyone in the group, creating average attractiveness among members ”.

According to the author, this makes one person alone not considered so attractive, but when in a group the same person's face tends to be unconsciously distorted, given the average attractiveness. During the study, men and women obtained the same results, considering the group interactions.

6. Be nice

Some people may be attractive, even if they're not good, but this research has shown that being cool is a great way to at least look attractive. At first, photos of individuals with neutral expressions were shown, without any description about them. A few weeks later, the same photos were displayed, but with descriptions. One control group was maintained, another only saw positive descriptions and the third only negative descriptions.

In the initial assessment, the three groups indicated similar people as attractive; but after the descriptions were included, the group that read good things about the people in the photos found more members attractive. Not only because of the search result, but being cool has many more advantages than the other way around.

7. Be financially responsible


At first glance, riding a cool car or a flashy watch may be the best way to become attractive to some people. But be aware that financial organization can also attract the attention of a future partner.

According to this study, keeping track of your accounts and managing your finances are all important when looking for a long-term relationship, even getting ahead of your sense of humor and physical attributes. Many factors influence the choice of your better half, but nothing is more appealing to conquer someone than timely paid slips. Here's the tip.


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