Did you know that the first 'Gmail' was a Garfield email service?

Virtually any email user today uses, has used, or at least knows the Google platform for messaging. Gmail is one of the most popular services in the world and is a vital part of the history of email.

But did you know that before Google revolutionized the world with its "gig" mail, G was used by Garfield's email service? Yes ... We're talking about the cat that loves lasagna and hates Mondays. This service was launched in 2001 and was in the domain "Gmaill.Garfield.com".

Although this is not new - after all, it has been a good few years - this week the story was remembered by the US Gizmodo and we find it interesting to tell here as well. The site is also responsible for the screenshot you see below, but you can see more in the Web Archive.

Garfield Mail

One of the coolest things about Garfield's gmail was the slogan of the service: "cattitude email" (a simple pun on "attitude" and "cat", of course). Feline email is rumored to have been renamed under pressure from Google, but this has never been proven and not even endorsed by members of Garfield's team. It is well known that shortly after Google's arrival of Gmail, users of "gmail.garfield" were redirected to "catsrule.garfield".

Garfield Mail

Commtouch (which controlled Garfield Mail) is now called Cyren and works with backbones for data transmission. GIzmodo says it tried to contact this company, but got no returns. That is: "the death of gmail.garfield remains a mystery."

Did you know that the first 'Gmail' was a Garfield email service? via TecMundo