7 different birthday celebrations around the world

1 - Vietnam


Look how curious: the people in Vietnam don't make much of celebrating the day they were born, and then everyone celebrates a kind of collective birthday on the same holiday, Tet, which is also the local New Year. It is on this occasion that everyone starts to count one more year of life.

2 - Germany


In Germany, the most popular birthday tradition is valid for men who are 30 years old without marriage. On birthdays, they sweep the neighborhood streets where they live and, to make the task more difficult, their friends follow them, spreading dirt on the swept places. This thankless task only ends when the thirtieth gets a woman's kiss.

3 - Ireland


Superstitious as always, the Irish congratulate the children by leaving them upside down and slapping the poor girl's box lightly on the floor, a beat for every year of their lives. The ritual, they say, serves to bring good luck.

4 - Mexico


Here's a birthday tradition that has become popular elsewhere in the world, especially in the US. Mexicans celebrate the arrival of the new age with the piñata, which is that little animal made of paper and stuffed with bullets and streamers. The birthday boy must pop the piñata blindfolded for the candy to fall.

5 - Jamaica


In Jamaica, the birthday mood seems to be an eternal fifth grade. Jamaican birthdays are always approached by a bucket of flour that is thrown at the victims. The good thing is that the person who does this often rewards the poor breaded human being with a gift of money or candy if the victim is a child.

6 - China


No cake or balloons to celebrate the arrival of a new age in China. There, it is common for children to get very long portions of noodles that cannot be bitten or broken with chopsticks. The longer it takes the child to eat the long noodles, the longer it will be, according to Chinese superstitions.

7 - Denmark


The birthday there is a time to demonstrate patriotism, so the birthday boy hangs the flag of the country out of the house before any celebration, and the flag is also often present in the decorations of food and parties.


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