7 Brazilian rulers with famous stories of betrayal

If false news about betrayal today could be enough to end a relationship - and even the career of some famous person! - In the past, extramarital affairs were not so condemned. According to a survey of 2, 000 members of Ashley Madison, the world's largest extramarital dating site, an exposed betrayal of a famous couple can create a sense of superiority over anonymous couples.

Adulterous men have negative opinions about those who have had an exposed case, but this sense of superiority can come from the confidence of having a successful case - an unexposed betrayal here. Do they feel the same as historical affaires? Check out a list of some famous extramarital affairs in Brazilian history:

1. Emperor Dom Pedro I

Married to Empress Leopoldina, he enjoyed the alternative caresses of Domitila de Castro Canto and Melo, who received the title of "Marquesa de Santos".

Dom Pedro I

Domitila, Dom Pedro and Leopoldina

2. President Washington Luis

Married to Sofia Paes de Barros, he lived covertly in the arms of the 28-year-old Italian marquise Elvira Vishi Maurich.

Sofia and Washington

Sofia and Washington

3. President Getúlio Vargas

Married to Darcy Sarnero Vargas, Getúlio was in love with his lover, the Paraná girl Aimeé Lopes, wife of his chief of staff, Luis Simões Lopes. Abandoned by her, Getúlio went to cure depression with Virginia Lane, the "Vedete do Brasil".


Darcy, Getúlio and Virginia

4. President Juscelino Kubitschek

Married to Sarah Luisa of Lemos Kubitschek de Oliveira, Juscelino had a secret romance - for almost 18 years! - with Maria Lúcia Pedroso, wife of her advisor, José Pedroso.

Sara, Juscelino and Maria Lucia

Sara, Juscelino and Maria Lucia

5. President João Goulart

Married to Maria Teresa Fontella Goulart, President Jango fell madly in love with Angelita Martinez, the “Queen of Vedetes” of the carioca magazine theater. After that, he still had a long affair with the young Uruguayan Eva Deleón Gimenez, with whom he stayed until his death in 1976.

João Goulart

Maria Teresa, João Goulart and Angelita

6. President Jânio Quadros

Married to Eloá from Valle Quadros, Jânio, as governor of São Paulo, had an affair with writer Adelaide Carraro and another one not confirmed with host Hebe Camargo.

Eloá, Jânio and Adelaide

Eloá, Jânio and Adelaide

7. President João Batista Figueiredo

Married to Dulce Maria de Guimarães Castro Figueiredo, the president had as lovers SNI typist Edine Souza Correia and Rio de Janeiro businesswoman Myrian Abicai.

Figueiredo and Dulce

Figueiredo and Dulce

* Via advisory