8 Neuroscience Tips to Make You a Truly Happy Person

1 - Learn to show gratitude

When we thank someone for something they have done for us, or even when we thank fate or life in general, our attention is focused on the positive aspects of our lives, and whenever this happens our brain produces serotonin, which is a neurotransmitter important in regulating our mood.

2 - Solve one problem at a time

Our concerns cause the brain to look for ways to solve problems that get us into something. Unfortunately, it drains our energy and makes the brain tired, anxious and irritated.

On the other hand, when we can solve a problem, our brain is bathed in substances that soothe us and help us see the world in a more positive way. That is why, basically, we must learn to solve one thing at a time, to set priorities and thus not to despair thinking of all that is not right.

3 - It's not cool to brood over what hurts you

Thinking too much about something that doesn't make you happy is a bad deal, and your brain is the one who pays the duck when you brood over something negative. Ideally, try to talk to someone you trust about your problems and thus try to solve them and forget them once and for all. When you do this, your brain starts producing serotonin again and you can see the bright side of many different situations.

4 - Value social interactions

Human beings really need social interactions, and the contact and displays of affection we have with those around us is something that can help us cure some illnesses, including.

When we remove social interaction from our lives, the brain ends up interpreting it as a kind of physical pain, and over time it can contribute to the development of depression.

5 - Never stop learning new things

Your brain interprets new learning as a permanent adaptation and as a change of environment. This process is great for producing dopamine, which is a substance that gives us a sense of well-being.

If the idea is to be happy, don't forget to learn new things - it is worth diving into new languages, discovering curiosities about your favorite country, studying new things, knitting ... Just do not stand still and immerse yourself in sameness.

6 - Play some kind of sport

Going to the gym may not be your favorite practice, but as soon as you finish your daily body movement session, your brain releases a good dose of endorphin, which has the ability to reduce physical pain and improve your mood.

To have this effect you don't have to get too heavy, especially if you are starting to practice physical activities now. Even moderate pace walking already has this result - it is also worth noting that many writers say that walking improves their creative abilities.

7 - Always try to sleep well

Sleeping in a dark environment is critical for your body to produce melatonin, a hormone that recharges your energy and helps your hypothalamus produce serotonin.

When your brain detects changing light in your sleeping environment, it produces stress hormone and you wake up. Basically, it is critical that you sleep at least six hours in a totally dark environment.

8 - Yes, create expectations

We often see people advocating the notion that expectations should not be created to avoid disappointment. It's one thing that you don't live expecting really difficult things, but you should get excited about things that are about to happen, like a date with friends, a concert, or a birthday party.

When you create that kind of expectation, your brain is already excited, which is why humans tend to count down, you know? We don't make a habit of counting the missing days for important, happy events for nothing - in fact, we do it because our brains like it.