8 tips for drinking all day and not getting sick

The weekend is coming and a lot of people should already be programming for parties with a lot of alcohol, right? The problem is that hangover the next day, which makes us practically useless. That's why we've put together this list of tips to get you on your toes without getting sick.

But first of all, a piece of advice: Drinking too much is never a healthy thing. Alcohol is absorbed mainly in the small intestine and portal vein. From there it goes to the liver where it is metabolized. That is: drinking too much alcohol can lead to liver problems.

However, we remember that old saying that if advice was good we would not give, but would sell. So getting drunk is something you'll do once in a while - or even every weekend if you're younger and more inconsequential. So learn these 8 tips on how to stand longer than your friends and not hangover the next day:

1. Set the pace

If you're going to be drinking all day, set a pace: it's no use drinking it all at once in the first hour and getting sick the rest of the time, right? The ideal is to go slowly. None of those jokes of turning beer cans and thinking it's going to be all right - simply, it won't! And if your body gives a signal that you are starting to cross the line, respect it. Spending half an hour without drinking anything will help you a lot to continue in the marathon.

2. Keep an eye on the alcohol content of the drink.

Beers usually have 6% alcohol content. Already the wine has, on average, 13%. And whiskey can go over 40%. It's pure math: You can't drink whiskey in the same amount and speed you drink beer and think it's going to be all right. If you are respecting the pace of drinking (as in tip 1) but changing the type of drink, adjust to the new grade.

3. Eat

It sounds like a pretty obvious tip, but a lot of people forget to eat something while it is filling their faces. Drink on an empty stomach, never! Got it well? NEVER! Some foods take longer to absorb into the body and are therefore very good at controlling drunkenness.

Wheat and oatmeal foods are great for keeping the small intestine working by absorbing its nutrients, making it difficult for alcohol to enter the bloodstream. Also, keeping your stomach lined will slow down the speed with which you drink. Avoid, however, very salty foods that will dehydrate you faster. This brings us to the next tip ...

4. Drink plenty of water

Alcohol is a diuretic drink, that is, will make you urinate and dehydrate a lot. Thus, it is critical that you rehydrate throughout the journey. But don't think about drinking more beer just because it is liquid ... you need to drink plain, still water.

Dehydration is a major cause of hangover. Having a cup of water before bed will help you wake up better the next day. Of course, the more water you drink, the more pee you have to pee, but at least you won't get sick. It's worth it, right?

5. Sleep well

You have certainly heard - and must have spoken - the phrase "drunk on sleep". When you are tired, the effect of beer is greater than when your mood is at 100%. With sleep, you think less, drink more and suffer more from the effects. In addition, alcohol has a depressant effect, which will worsen your tiredness and increase the effects of excessive drinking.

6. Stay cold

And we are not speaking metaphorically. In summer, heat helps you lose more fluids through sweat and can amplify the effect of alcohol. In addition, alcohol raises your blood pressure and can cause your body to overheat (hyperemia) or heat stroke. Stay cooler and watch out for drunkenness on the beach.

7. Consume Supplements

Excessive peeing not only makes you lose water but also important nutrients. This loss makes the hangover worse the next day, so you need to replace them. Vitamin B is one of the first ones we lose during a bump, and some foods can help you with this. This is the case of pork, ham, peas, lentils, almonds, spinach and eggs. It is also necessary to replace the electrolytes of your body. The ideal for this is to consume drinks like Gatorade, which also help in rehydration.

8. Practice Makes Perfect

Again we emphasize: Drinking too much is never healthy. But if your goal is to get drunk every weekend, know that your body is gradually getting used to alcohol, which is nothing more than a toxin. Drinking constantly will make your body learn to metabolize it faster. If you go to an open bar in a few days, get your body ready some time before it gets ready for the punch.

* Posted on 7/7/2015