8 Interesting Facts About The Art Of Seduction

1 - The reasons behind the flirting

We flirt for six reasons: sex; fun; test drive what it would be like to be in a relationship; attempt to improve self-esteem; striving to improve the current relationship; and as a way to get something from the person you're flirting with.

In the study that listed these motivations, the researcher also found that men tend to flirt more for sexual reasons and that women often flirt wanting to enter into serious relationships.

2 - Couples also need to flirt

When we talk about flirting, we tend to think of this seduction game as common to single people, but the truth is that anyone who is married or has been in a serious relationship for a long time needs to flirt too.

A 2012 study assessed the love life of 164 married people and the results showed that couples often whisper in their partners' ears as a way to maintain and emphasize intimacy.

3 - About the best way to make conversation

A survey of responses from 600 people found that men tend to prefer straightforward approaches such as "I like you, can I buy you a drink?" Women, on the other hand, like subtler singing and also approaches that start unpretentiously, asking if she likes a particular band, for example.

4 - About the questions asked

If the idea is to go beyond one-day flirting, be aware of the type of question you ask the person in your sights. Questioning more personal and emotional issues often creates stronger connections between people, so instead of investing in elevator conversations, try asking more intriguing questions such as “what role does love play in your life?” And “what subject? is it too serious for anyone to make fun of him?

5 - Men Overestimate Women's Interest

In heterosexual relationships, men interpret female interest too much, and women tend to underestimate the way they interpret male displays of sexual interest. Basically, boys tend to believe that women are interested even when they are not, and women tend not to notice when a man is showing interest. So complicated!

The explanation may be that men are socially and culturally raised to see more sex in their routines while women are led to think and act more discreetly when it comes to sex.

6 - Our genre defines what we find attractive

Men find women who have an expression of happiness more attractive - they, on the other hand, consider happiness as one of the least relevant aspects of attraction.

For women, the masculine facial expression of pride is considered to be the most attractive - underwear, however, does not see the same expression as attractive in women. In both genders, the expression of shame seems to exert great power of attraction. These findings are part of a 2011 study by psychologist Jessica Tracy of the University of British Columbia.

7 - A light touch can be the icing on the cake

It's not about being invasive or showing intimacy with someone you don't even know well - you have to be aware, huh! A study in 2004 caused 20 men to approach women on the street, asking for their phone numbers: half the time they just made the approach and the request; then they touched the forearms of the women they spoke to. The results showed that men were more successful when lightly touching the arm of the approached women.

8 - To get along flirting, you don't have to be the prettiest person in the room

If you often test your seductive gifts in bars, clubs, and the like, be aware that people tend to approach not necessarily the prettiest figures in the place, but the ones who make the most eye contact with others and smile the most.