9 artists who disliked kissing their scene partners

Truth be told, once in your life you thought acting would be a marvel, as you could kiss the biggest cats (or the biggest cats) in the movies and make money for that, isn't it? same? Have you, the reader, ever dreamed of exchanging mouth fluids with Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise or Robert Pattinson?

Acting is like any other profession: there are the good and the bad parts. And there are people who do not like scenes with much intimacy, especially if the screen partner is not someone who understands the techniques of an excellent professional kiss.

Below is a list of 9 actors and actresses who complained about their scene mate's kiss:

1. Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst - “Spiderman”

We start with one of the most copied kisses of the early 2000s: Spiderman and Mary Jane in heavy rain. Although the scene is very romantic, Tobey Maguire reported that it was tricky to film because he had to stand upside down and feel the blood pressing on his head. To make matters worse, rain also entered his nose.

2. Kirsten Dunst and Brad Pitt - “Interview with the Vampire”

Look at her again: Kirsten Dunst was the complainant this time, but she had a very plausible reason. Although everyone wants to chip Brad Pitt, especially in the mid-1990s, Kirsten was only 11 when he had to record the scene where he touched the actor's lips with his mouth. Years later, the actress revealed that this had been her first kiss in her life.

3. Reese Whiterspoon and Robert Pattinson - “Water for Elephants”

Kissing the actor who made vampire Edward in the "Twilight" saga is the dream of many women around the world - and some big guys, too, to be clear. But when Reese Whiterspoon had to shoot romantic scenes with Robert Pattinson, the actor was so cold that he was sniffling all the time and had snot coming out of his nose. Then you don't have the passion or professionalism you can handle, do you?

4. Thandie Newton and Tom Cruise - “Mission: Impossible 2”

Would you dare complain about the kiss of one of the greatest heartthrobes in movie history? Thandie Newton did it. She described Tom Cruise's kiss as "gross and very wet." It's easy? In addition, Thandie said each such scene needed to be done several times to achieve the intended result of the director.

5. Josh Hutcherson and Jennifer Lawrence - “The Hunger Games: On Fire”

Katniss Everdeen's performer may be one of the new generation's most entertaining and award-winning actresses, but apparently Jennifer Lawrence is not a good kisser. Josh Hutcherson complained that she saliva too much and doesn't have a very good footprint. It may have been a joke, since both are very close friends, but ...

6. Liam Hemsworth and Jennifer Lawrence - "The Hunger Games: Hope - Part 1"

... actor Liam Hemsworth corroborates with colleague Josh Hutcherson. By the way, it still worsens Jennifer's image. According to Hemsworth, kissing her in the first part of the end of the Hunger Games saga was a pretty unpleasant experience, as she would have a bad breath. Jennifer ate garlic and tuna and didn't brush her teeth before shooting the kiss scene, just to tease her partner.

7. James McAvoy and Angelina Jolie - “The Wanted”

Apparently, having a best actress Oscar is no good in kissing matters. It didn't fit Jennifer Lawrence or Angelina Jolie. Angelina's "Wanted" scene partner James McAvoy said the experience was terrible as the kiss scene was recorded on the first day of shooting. The actor had just met her and already needed to record a very intimate scene.

8. Rupert Grint and Emma Watson - “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2”

During the filming of the Harry Potter saga, rumors were that Rupert Grint and Emma Watson were not so good offstage friends. In an interview, Grint even said it was rather disgusting to have to kiss Emma, ​​especially since they had known each other since they were 9 years old when they started working together. The scene sounded so unnatural that it had to be redone four times.

9. Dwayne Johnson and Steve Carell - “Agent 86”

The problem here wasn't even two men kissing each other: Dwayne Johnson said Steve Carell's tongue looked like the texture of cat litter! To make matters worse, his lips looked like the underside of the feline's paws. Ew! With this description, no one could kiss right, right?


Is that you? Have you ever kissed someone who couldn't kiss? Have a funny story to share? Tell us!

* Posted on 8/12/2015


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