The story of the woman who eats a roll of toilet paper a day

That pregnant women may develop cravings for bizarre foods, everyone knows, but the case you will now know is really peculiar. Jade Sylvester is a 25-year-old British woman who already has five children. During the last pregnancy, however, she had a completely absurd desire: to eat toilet paper.

Jade's case is striking because her youngest son is 15 months old, and since she was pregnant with her, she has eaten significant amounts of toilet paper every day.

The Huffington Post recently wrote about the Jade case. In the publication, there are statements from her, saying that she just can't stop eating toilet paper. Jade says she hides her children's habit and even goes to the bathroom less often because she knows that once she's there, she'll eat several pieces of paper.


The obsession with the strange delicacy began in the early months of the gestation of his youngest son. She explains that it is not the taste of the material that attracts her, but the texture, the feeling of eating something dry. And while her family warns her about the risks of this bizarre addiction, she just can't stop. Currently, Jade estimates that she eats a roll of toilet paper a day.

This uncontrollable urge to eat non-food is relatively common during pregnancy, and some recent research indicates that this may have to do with iron deficiency. There are reports of future moms who feel like eating earth, ice, clay, baking powder and so on. Remember that before adopting such an unusual diet, it is always good to seek medical help.