Some features that make us special animals

What differs human beings from other animals in the world? Have you ever thought about it? The Live Science portal has a list of some of the features that make us different - check out some of these items below and then tell us what you think about them:

1 - The speech

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Humans have the larynx positioned so that they can utter the voice, and this is a considerable evolutionary feature that has been analyzed for many years. In addition, humans also have the hyoid bone, which is under the tongue and facilitates our speech - it is the only bone that is not attached to everyone else in our body.

2 - Upright Posture

Image Source: Reproduction / SchoolPosture

We are the only completely bipedal animals and this allows us to use feet and hands for distinct and specific tasks. One downside to our posture is that the pelvic structure had to undergo alterations to keep the body erect, so human birth is one of the most dangerous compared to the rest of the animals - a century ago giving birth was leading cause of death for women.

3 - By

Image Source: Reproduction / Sodahead

Why have them? Although we are not completely free of the hair around our bodies, we look much less hairy than other animals. And that's the verb: opinion. The truth is that human skin, when compared to other primates, has more hair follicles than theirs. The difference is that ours are thinner, shorter and lighter.

4 - Thumbs

Image Source: Reproduction / Constantcontact

You have already studied that humans are the only animals that have opposing thumbs, but the concept is not quite that, really. Primates also have thumbs like ours - the difference is that we can have a wider range with these fingers, which gives us more mobility and the ability to handle the most diverse tools.

5 - Brain

Image Source: Reproduction / Topnews

Yeah. We are smart, yes, and have the ability to better develop our intelligence. Weighing just over a pound, our brains give us the ability to think and have logical reasoning. Einstein won't let us lie. It is important, however, to always understand that other animals are intelligent as well - a basic difference is how these intelligences are developed.

6 - Shame

Image Source: Reproduction / Fysiopeople

Humans are the only animals capable of reddening their cheeks in shame, a fact that Darwin defined as "the most peculiar and most human of expressions." Exactly why this is not yet known, but the most widely accepted theory is that blushing at a situation helps people maintain their honesty, benefiting the entire group in which they are inserted.

7 - Old childhood

Image Source: Reproduction / Extension

Do you miss you when you start remembering the times you were still carrying lunch boxes for school? For know that not only were these good times, but they were also long, if we compare the childhood of humans with that of other animals. The explanation for this may be in our complex brains, which require more time to grow, develop and learn.

* Originally Posted on 17/08/2013


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