Students have graduation postponed after play at oath time. Or not

University graduations always have a joke or another, but what PUC-Rio film graduates did cost dearly. Everything was fine until the time of the oath, when the student who read the text decided to relax the atmosphere.

At the end of each sentence, the speaker added “or not”, which eventually changed the meaning of some sentences. Imagine hearing the following: “I promise to exercise my profession in the spirit of those who give themselves to a true mission of service, always with a view to the common good. Or not .

Just kidding ... Or not

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The other students, who did not know the joke, ended up repeating the words of the student and even found the joke funny. The problem is that the presiding professor, César Romero, did not like what he saw. He told Globo Education portal that he just didn't stop the ceremony out of respect for his parents.

As soon as the ceremony was over, a video of the oath was sent to the university rectory and the graduation annulled, and the ceremony was postponed to another date. According to Romero, the decision was made so that the students learn not to take this kind of attitude. Or not.