Learn how to find out which foods are bad for you

You may have had the experience of eating something and suddenly feeling sick, right? Yeah. This usually happens when what you eat is damaged or contaminated by a harmful substance. The problem is that this is not a rule, and you can be bad eating something untoward. In such cases, your body may be allergic or intolerant to some component of the food you are eating.

To find out which foods are bad, you need to keep an eye on what you eat and do some tests on your diet. At least that's what advises the doctor Amy Shah, specialist in Internal Medicine, Allergy and Immunology. She advises her patients on dietary restrictions for a few weeks.

According to Dr. Amy, after following this plan, many people end up losing weight and showing improvements in PMS symptoms, as well as decreased reflux, better sleep quality and more willingness to perform daily tasks.

Image Source: Reproduction / mindbodygreen

Realizing the improvement in the quality of life of patients on restricted diets, the doctor decided to test their own body and, after a month of "treatment", decided to cut some foods from their menu permanently. These cut items were not considered harmful to the doctor's body, but even so, by ceasing to eat them, her health improved.

Dr. Amy explained that you need to know how to differentiate dietary exclusion foods from allergic or intolerant foods. You need to understand that all allergies are an instant reaction of your immune system that can recognize some substances as harmful, even if they are not. Signs of food allergy include throat tightness, hives and anaphylaxis. If you think you are allergic to any food, it's time to look for a doctor.

Intolerances to certain types of food are not instantaneous and their symptoms include mainly the presence of bowel problems. There is a lot to research about food intolerances, yet. A worrying fact is the discovery that the human body is becoming increasingly intolerant to various types of food, causing symptoms such as headaches and bloating in the abdomen region.

Image Source: Playback / Wowcher

If you are curious and want to know which diet is developed by Dr. Amy, we will pass it on to you. Thus you can try to find out if you are intolerant to any kind of food. It should be noted that if you already have symptoms like the ones mentioned above, it is always recommended that you seek assistance from a doctor and a nutritionist.

The diet proposed by Dr. Amy is done in eight steps and you can try it yourself:

1 - Avoid eating dairy, wheat, soy and eggs for two to three weeks. That is: no cheese, yogurt and processed egg foods.

2 - After three weeks, add one of the above to your diet. After three days, add one more item and so on.

3 - It's time to stop eating peanuts, shellfish and all that contains corn. Also for two or three weeks. Always check the labels of the foods you consume.

4 - Bring one of the above foods back to your diet. And do the same scheme as item number 2.

Image Source: Playback / Fitsugar

5 - Now you need to stop eating nuts such as almonds, walnuts and nuts for two or three weeks. Fish are also prohibited.

6 - Eat the food again as suggested on the second item on the list.

7 - This time, the inspection should be greater: it is time to eliminate all foods with preservatives such as monosodium glutamate, artificial sugars and artificial colors. The time now drops to one week. And you need to pay even more attention to the labels of the products you consume.

8 - If you wish, you may consume the food from the above item again. Remember the three-day interval between returning one food and another to your diet.

Image Source: Playback / timeskuwait

Of course, it is no use following all these steps without noticing changes in your body. The tip is to permanently stop eating foods that have caused bloating, joint pain, mental confusion or constipation. Dr. Amy advocates the idea that some items that fill your plate may actually harm your health and cause some of the above symptoms.

This is why you need to be aware as well when adding a food back to your diet. If your body reacts badly to the return of the said whose, it's good that you eliminate it. The doctor says that the patient should stop eating the food that he recognized as causing the symptoms already described and that this will cause a significant improvement in quality of life. If distrust is greater, the recommendation is always to seek medical help. So, what did you think of this diet?