Beer belly: German beer uses "pregnant men" in new campaign

If there is one thing that causes controversy - and usually rightly - here in Brazil is the way we do beer commercials, almost always objectifying the female body. A German commercial has shown a different way of talking about one of the most consumed beverages in the world, and since the campaign was launched it has been talked about.

Unsurprisingly, beer is a caloric drink that doesn't work very well as an ally for those who want to lose weight. What's more, she is known for “giving us” the famous “beer belly”, which this time was praised by the Bergedorfer Bier brand in her new advertising campaign.

The advertising agency, Jung von Matt, preferred to give men the famous tummy instead, so that they would pose as proud of their physical form as women do when they are pregnant. Check out the following result:

1 - Love

Bergedorfer Beer

2 - Cervegestation

Bergedorfer Beer

3 - Brewing Instinct

Bergedorfer Beer


Now tell us: what did you think of this campaign? Attractive? Appealing? Offensive? Do you think we should really welcome the so-called beer belly?