Bizarre: Meet some of the weirdest places on the internet

The internet is a cradle for various ideas. However, not all of them are wonderful things - some actually scare you, either for their execution or for other reasons. If you've never been to a page with such content during your cyber life, Cracked has listed some of it.

Following are seven pages (and ideas) that would make you think twice before accessing such content again. Doll-like site that looks like real people and bizarre presenter YouTube channel are just a few of the things you check out below.

1. I won't be back on this channel anymore (or maybe I think twice ...)

Edward Muscare was just another internet user like any other who one day decided to create a YouTube channel where he is known as Edarem. The idea came: to have a place to give opinions on various subjects and even have fun singing. However, his popularity was gained for a reason other than his explanations or vocal talents.

Well, maybe the video above gives you an idea. In it, Edarem has fun while listening to the song “Pretty Woman”. However, it doesn't look very “presentable”, and that's why (also) your channel grew in viewership.

2. Stop looking at me!

For girls, dolls are nice things. You can easily find them out there, and it's recently become commonplace to come across those that look like real babies - and that's exactly what shows.

Browsing the page means finding a lot of “cute” babies looking at you or representing everyday situations, such as sleeping and even staring at the screen.

The baby is cute ... Do you think so?

Yes, some are cute, but others in return ...

3. Lonely Messenger

There are several forums on the internet. You may have already joined someone to exchange information with others who have some taste in common, but some work (or have worked) in a peculiar way, such as The Blood Board (which is disabled).

Basically it was created with the purpose of gathering fans of the series “Buffy: The Vampire Slayer” and serving as a point to brainstorm ideas, see messages posted on Twitter by people who participated in the series and other curiosities. However, with a small detail: there is only one user there.

Only, but well accompanied!

Yes, you read that right. Known as jamie_marsters, she was the only user of the page. Initial messages, replies, quotes ... All were made by just one person - which makes us wonder if she had no friends or if her project somehow didn't work out.

4. I want everything, and I want perfect

Ah, the afternoon invested in Sim City. Anyone who has ventured into at least one of the games in the series knows more or less what to find here: empty places in which you must invest time and money (from the game) to build a city. This is a process that requires striving for the perfect metropolis, and some people have gone to extremes to achieve this. But you will hardly find anyone like Vincent Ocasla.

A Sim City 3000 player, he has spent four years building a perfect and fully functional city that has six million inhabitants. Detail: The time invested was real. Ocasla spent a year and a half planning the project, and then devoted another two and a half years to building it all. Yeah, it's crazy for everything in this world.

5. Creed and cross!

Your name is George. Some know him as a vampire, and he has a website. Until then, all quiet. "Wow, I'm a fan of vampire movies, " one might say. But beware: He doesn't just want your friendship.

Vampire? I think it goes far, but beware of it ...

When it comes to reading the terms and restrictions and other procedures of the site designed to relate to it, you find that the "vampire" wants some information about "how it can satisfy users." Yes, he wants something more.

And here is the tip: be careful when leaving confirming everything that appears in the way.

6. Where are you, my son?

Do you know those stories of incessant internet searches? Well, here's one of them. A YouTube user known as Humanbeing151 has posted a series of videos on his channel for one purpose: to get Diddy's attention.

Alright, it's really cool to try to find someone you're looking for on the net. However, the owner of the channel has made it a ceaseless and almost manic search, since in every video he tries to get Diddy's attention because of a message sent on MySpace that has not yet been seen.

Watch the video above and answer truthfully: If you were Diddy, would you contact him? I do not (that song does not seem very reliable and even causes fear ...).

7. Multifaceted

Finally we come to our last item (which is no less bizarre than anything we put here): a page called And what's bizarre about that? Well, see for yourself in the video below.

One of its creators, known as Kerry, is a crossdresser (a man who likes to dress as a woman from time to time). Married, he gives tips on how to dress well, but with a peculiar detail: a somewhat strange mask hides his true identity.

Have you ever imagined walking down the street and bumping into someone like that? Possibly many would run off imagining that they just saw the character of a horror movie ...

And you, do you know more bizarre things spread across the internet?

Via Tecmundo