11 more people and animals that look like cartoons

1 - Nicki Potato

Singer Nicki Minaj and Lady Potato Head from Toy Story

2 - Johnny Pump

Johnny Bravo

3 - Hi!

Sid from "Ice Age"

4 - Just watching

Turanga Leela from "Futurama"

5 - Simba's Uncle

Khal Drogo from "Game of Thrones" and Scar from "The Lion King"

6 - Oun!

Grumpy Cat and Shifu Master of "Kung Fu Panda"

7 - The Ice Queen has warmed

Anna Faith and Elsa from " Frozen Adventure"

8 - There is no difference

Danny de Vito and Cosmo Spacely from "Jetsons"

9 - Tailored chin

Peter Griffin from "A Heavy Family"

10 - Thundera's eye give me beauty beyond reach

Comedian Carrot Top and Lion of "Thundercats"

11 - Catman


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