Bizarre: Male llamas pull each other's testicles with their teeth

Llamas are curious animals in their own right - everyone loves them, but there are a lot of people who know little about the life of those spit-loving pets who bite each other's testicles. Yeah. Males of the species have this same bizarre custom.

This is not about territory fighting or cannibalism - none of that! The subject here is mating, and when a llama is interested in a neighborhood llama, he is able to do anything to keep her, and that includes biting - and plucking - the testicles of any other smartass who wants to disrupt the courtship. .

Just to give you an idea, as they grow older, males develop six teeth used only in mating battles - females also have these teeth, but only when they are older and not intending to use them in fights.

Little nerves

Image Source: Playback / startimes

This aggressive behavior is typical of these animals, which are known to attack even when they are spayed or have no motive. There are even reports of attacks on people with death records.

Many llama breeders extract these six fight teeth to avoid further problems. There are even those who use these animals to protect sheep breeding against predators such as coyotes and dogs, after all - another curiosity - llamas protect sheep as if they were their own children.

So, did you already know that? Better be extra careful when you find one of these pets out there, and if it spits on you, be happy: it could have been a lot worse.