Bomb on the wedding day? Groom makes up a bad excuse and gets arrested

Guest list, salon, buffet, clothes, invitations and more - in fact, it is not easy to plan a wedding and do all the details. And Briton Neil McArdle can prove that it is possible to forget even the most basic when it comes to marriage.

With their marriage scheduled for April 26, 2013 in Liverpool, England, McArdle and his fiancee Amy Williams stopped to see if everything was agreed the night before the celebration. It was then that the bridegroom realized that he had forgotten to hand over the necessary documents to reserve St. George's Hall, where the wedding would take place.

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Fearful of revealing the problem to the bride - who only spoke at the wedding and had risen at dawn to try on her dress for the last time before going to the altar - McArdle decided to take a more drastic action. On the morning of the wedding, the groom anonymously called from a pay phone to the venue saying that a bomb would explode in 45 minutes.

The bride and groom, families and all the guests ended up outside the building while the experts searched for traces of the bomb. The problem is that the groom's plan went wrong: as nothing was found, the marriage would not need to be canceled. It was then that McArdle had to confess his mistake.

The groom was arrested and admitted to being responsible for the call. This week McArdle was tried and sentenced to a year in prison - which should be enough time to plan a new marriage and make sure nothing goes blank, as Neil and Amy are still together.