Butt "of athletes turns into advertising space

QR Codes debut in style in athlete's uniform (Image source: Daily Mail)

No one doubts that advertising is "the soul of business." There is also no doubt that they should be positioned in strategic, highly visible locations. What few expected was that they would end up in barcodes in the volleyball players' buttocks.

Zara Dampney, 24, and Shauna Mullin, 26, decided to sell some of the space available on their uniforms for sponsor announcements during a beach volleyball tournament this week in London.

To innovate and catch the attention of advertisers, the athletes also opened the possibility of ads in a region little explored advertising: the back of the bikini loincloth. The ad consists of a QR code that, when photographed by the camera of a smartphone, redirects the user to a bookmaker's website.

This is the first time such a barcode has been worn on athletes' uniforms and, it turns out, will get the public's attention.

Written by: Felipe Arruda