Ninja hunter catches bird using only his hands

During a hunt with friends, Texan pastor Matt Carter performed an incredible feat that, luckily, was recorded on video by a colleague. In a moment of relaxation, Carter spotted a small bird flying next to him and was quick enough to catch it with his hands.

All action happens in 25 seconds. Carter, dressed in an orange hunting suit and a gun in his hand, notices a small bird flying towards him and, with a quick movement, takes the bird in his hand. “Nice catch” praises a colleague.

@pastorbreaz It`s been funny reading people`s comments. They think its fake. It`s random but it really happened

- Matt Carter (@_Matt_Carter) May 14, 2013

The capture is so absurd that many vehicles that published the video remained skeptical about its veracity. The hunting pastor, however, commented in his official Twitter account that the episode actually happened.

Skeptics, on the other hand, present several theories for what really happened. MSN Now, for example, suggests that the bird flying in the video may have been trained to be caught in the air, or may have been created by computer graphics.

In any case, anyone who has questions can question you about the video through Twitter. Judging by your other answers, however, expect nothing more than confirmation.