Becks Brewery creates bottle that plays music like a vinyl record

German Heinrich Beck founded what was to become Beck's Brewery in the 1870s, around the same time that Thomas Edison, across the Atlantic, was working on the creation of the first phonograph.

A century and a half later, the artistic division of the beer brand in New Zealand decided to unite the two products into one unusual project: the beer bottle that plays music.

The Beck's Edison Bottle is a glass bottle that has music etched on its surface using the same groove and groove printing technique as we knew it on vinyl.

The project team realized the similarity in size and shape between a Beck's beer gag and the cylinder that recorded the music of the 19th century phonograph. a drum phonograph, but with electronic materials and much more modern than Edison's device.

Beck's Edison Claw was presented in May during a design congress in New Zealand. The song chosen to represent the project is called "Here She Comes" by local band Ghost Wave. The sound quality produced by the bottle pleased artists as well as media and technology enthusiasts. However, the Edison bottle will not be marketed or recycled in other products.