Scientists find out how to use any plastic to produce electricity

As you may know, not all types of plastics can be recycled, which means that even if a part can be processed and reused, there is a part that doesn't - and even more likely not to be disposed of. proper and stop in nature. Evidently, scientists have long been trying to find solutions to this problem, and recently a team at Chester University in England announced that they had developed an alternative.

Interesting output

According to Alfredo Carpineti of IFLScience !, researchers have found a way to use all types of plastic - recyclable or not - to produce electricity, which, in addition to reducing the volume of waste, can potentially lead to less exploitation. of natural resources. And that's not all!

According to Afredo, the process - named “W2T”, which stands for Waste2Tricity - involves a low generation of solid or liquid waste and does not generate gas release into the atmosphere and, as a result, compared to traditional incineration technologies, the new system produces much more. less emissions. How does the method work?

(Source: PBC Today / Reproduction)

W2T consists of using a thermal conversion chamber to vaporize the plastic. With this, it is possible to obtain hydrogen from a gas that scientists called Syngas and that would be like natural gas, only synthetic. This material, in turn, can be used for electricity production and fuel, and the entire system has been tested and refined at the university so that a large-scale plastic processing plant will soon be set up.

The first of these establishments should be built in England, but if all goes well and the method proves to be really effective, the goal is to create plants around the world. It is estimated that each ton of plastic waste could be worth about $ 50 - just under $ 190 - which can serve as a (financial) incentive for industry and the population not to dispose of it in the oceans or inappropriately.