Scientists Find Marijuana Good for Bones

We've talked a lot about marijuana here at Mega Curioso and it's no wonder: One of the most commonly used drugs on the planet is also often the subject of research seeking to know its medicinal functions - there are studies suggesting that the herb can shrink brain tumors and wipe out some types of cancer.

Results from new research, published in Live Science, suggest that cannabis has therapeutic properties that are good for bone, helping to recover injured bones, according to scientists.

To reach these conclusions, the researchers conducted studies in mice. "All current clinical treatments used for osteoporosis have been successfully tested in rodents, " said lead researcher Yankel Gabet, a specialist in bone studies. Gabet also said these results may be useful in future fracture treatments in humans.

But how so?

Marijuana seems to have its effect when it triggers certain brain receptors called endocannabinoids - yes, that's what you're thinking: our brain has cannabis-like structures that the human body naturally synthesizes.

The fact is that the herb acts on the brain by activating these receptors, but what many people do not know is that cannabis receptors are present throughout our body, so Gabet's team decided to find out what the substance would have. offer for our bone health.

The researcher believes that patients who already use the drug are the best recovering from orthopedic injuries. As science has shown that cannabis stimulates bone formation, Gabet has combined the two pieces of information, and in this new study some of the mice that had broken bones received single doses of cannabis and others of cannabis with THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). that weed confuses your mind).

Gabet's team found that cannabis accelerates bone recovery, contributing to the strengthening of the cartilage that forms when the bone is "sticking". This structure is known as the periosteal callus and is basically composed of collagen, which eventually mineralizes and forms a sturdy bridge between the two broken parts of the bone.

The scientists noticed that cannabis-treated mice had this much stronger structure. In addition, collagen molecules were more strongly cross-linked compared to mice that were not treated with marijuana components.

At the conclusion of the study, the researchers stated that the bones of cannabis-treated animals were less likely to break again - as a matter of fact, weed treatment made the bones recovered between 35 and 50% stronger. In addition, scientists also noted that this effect occurs even in animals that received only cannabis without THC.

Obviously, these are just recent research results. There is no direct recommendation yet for the use of the substance, but apparently this may still change in the future.

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