Science explains: you should start studying at 10am and work at 11am

In the late Orkut, the “I Hate Waking Up Early” community was the most popular among all the others, with over 6 million members! If you were part of it or have a problem in the early hours of the morning, know that science may be working for you. A new study says we should not work before 10am nor study before 11am.

Moreover, it is not you who is wrong: it is society's fault, which imposes inconsistent routines with today's population. Paul Kelley of the Circadian Sleep and Neuroscience Institute at Oxford University, England, makes these claims. "The 14 to 24-year-old group is the most deprived of sleep in all of society, " warns the scientist.

He argues that schools should adapt to the biological rhythm of each age group. For example, for Kelley, children between 8 and 10 years old should start studying at 8:30, while for ages 10 to 16, the ideal time would be from 10am and over 18 at 11am.

"I Hate Waking Up Early" Community had over 6 million Orkut members

Biological clock

Generally speaking, our life is “programmed” to work between 9am and 5pm. However, each person has their own biological clock, and forcing this pattern on children and adolescents is a way to expose them to health problems. Over the years, however, the tendency is for our bodies to naturally adapt to the models imposed by society.

Paul Kelley is developing a program called "Teensleep" in which he intends to recruit at least 100 schools across England for an experiment where his students start studying later than the others. .

Sleep is crucial for memory fixation. In addition, forcing your circadian cycle (the so-called "biological clock") can cause your body to develop problems with anxiety, blood pressure, exhaustion and weight gain. And this reality can lead to greater consumption of prescription drugs, drugs and alcohol! Heavy, huh?

Sleep Deprivation Can Generate Many Health Problems


What did you think of this research, dear reader? Are you a willing person who wakes up in the morning or are those who were part of the Orkut community mentioned at the beginning of the article?

* Posted on 9/22/2015