How Rowling Overcame Her Mother's Death And Became The Biggest Children's Reference

Joanne Rowling was born in Yate, England, on July 31, 1965.

She grew up with her parents and sister and reveals that she always knew she would be a writer.

Her adolescence was not easy: for 10 years, the family struggled with her mother's multiple sclerosis

House where the author of Harry Potter spent her childhood and adolescence

JK Rowling studied French and classical literature at the University of Exter and was a researcher at Amnesty International in London.

During a train ride between Manchester and London, she got the inspiration and began writing the saga of the little wizard who conquered the planet.

In New Year 1991, when it was 6 months since she started writing the Harry Potter saga, Rowling lost her mother. The author was 25 years old and regrets that her mother never knew of her work

She transferred the pain of her mother's death to her main character: Harry's parents Lilian and James Potter, portrayed in this photo by the actors in the movie saga, were victims of villain Voldemort

In 2006, the author explained that her entire story revolves around mortality: not only Harry's parents are deceased; the villain himself has an obsession with immortality

"I understand why Voldemort wants to conquer death: in fact, we're all afraid of her, " Rowling revealed.

The death of her mother was very traumatic for Rowling, who decided to move to Portugal and started teaching English.

There she met Jorge Arantes, with whom she stayed for 3 years and had a child after suffering a miscarriage.

The marriage was turbulent and officially lasted 13 months

Following the separation in early 1995, Rowling moved to Scotland, taking with her daughter Jessica and three ready-made Harry Potter chapters.

In Scotland she ate the bread the devil kneaded: she had no job or money and even considered suicide

She spent hours in cafes, like The Elephant House, with her daughter on her lap and writing the saga that transformed her life.

"Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" has been rejected by numerous publishers

So much so that Rowling hung the first rejection letter on the kitchen wall as an incentive to never give up

In 1997, London-based publisher Bloomsbury bought the first book manuscript for £ 2, 500.

She added the letter "K" to her name as a tribute to her paternal grandmother named Kathleen, but abbreviated the first two names at the publisher's suggestion - the target audience, young boys, rejected books written by women and that would be a way of disguising them. the author's sex

Just 3 days after the publication of “The Philosopher's Stone” in the UK, US publisher Scholastic offered $ 100, 000 to launch the book in the United States.

The figure was unprecedented in children's literature.

The author became the first person in the world to earn $ 1 billion writing books

The saga has sold 450 million copies around the planet.

The sudden change in Rowling's life made her look for a therapist

“Everything changed so quickly and I didn't know anyone who went through it and I could ask, 'What should I do?'” The author said in a 2012 interview.

With the arrival of wealth, JK Rowling has created an NGO that helps orphans in shelters and institutions around the world.

She claims that fortune brought the quiet of not worrying about the bills, but also brought a lot of pressure

His first adult book, "The Cuckoo Call", was written under a male pen name.

She again received rejections, including suggestions to look for a “school for authors”

The novel was accepted by Sphere Books and published under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith

The book became a bestseller after the author's real identity was discovered.

Professor Wharton Adam Grant considers Rowling the most influential living person today

All because of the impact your books have on children

Recent research reveals that Harry Potter readers have a greater social awareness

Discrimination and prejudice are lower in children who grow up reading the witch saga