What would it be like if we behaved like dogs? [video]

It is sometimes interesting to do exercises that propose changing roles and patterns. For example, have you ever wondered what the world would be like if people behaved and acted like dogs? Ever thought weird if we smelled the butt of acquaintances - and strangers! - that we found on the streets?

And not only that: if we were dogs, we'd probably entertain for hours with a simple colored ball and get depressed when alone at home - not that it doesn't happen from time to time, but it would be a different sadness that would pass as soon as someone opened the door.

Do you find this role change too bizarre? Well ... Director James Rautmann not only found the idea interesting but decided to put it into practice in a video full of creativity and bizarre. It is impossible not to have fun with this crazy proposal. Watch the following images and then tell us what you think about them:

Do you know what's cooler about this whole thing? The video is part of a campaign that encourages netizens to adopt shelter-rescued dogs.

Just as it is funny to imagine ourselves in the place of happy, well-kept dogs, putting ourselves in the place of mistreated and abandoned animals can start us thinking more about adopting a dog that needs a new family. So, is this a good way to draw attention to the problem?