How can your voice sound when subjected to various scenarios? [video]

Reverberation is an acoustic phenomenon generated from continuous reflection of a frequency. Unlike echo, where the long interval between repetitions makes it possible to distinguish between the source of the sound and its variations, the effect also known as reverb is an old ally of those who work with music production and editing.

It is possible to simulate, for example, the sound effect generated by church choirs from a simple twist of a button. And what can a solo singer, when subjected not to the wonders of audio editing, but to scenarios capable of generating natural reverberation, create? That was the question raised by Australian producer Touché Videoproduktion.

In Joachim Müllner's voice, the character “The Wikisinger” demonstrates the result of his singing when the performance is performed on various types of “stages”: a living room, a small room, even resembling an oven, industrial sheds., a sports gym, open locations and of course a church are some of the scenarios that generate the most different types of reverb.

The highlight of the record goes not only to the peculiarity of each installation: the work of audio and video editing makes the clip charming and invites the viewer to follow the fun journey to discover new sounds. Voices are mixed and act as backing vocals to the song sung by Müllner. Then there is the challenge: close your eyes, listen to the music and try to guess where a particular piece was recorded.

Remember that this is not the first experience conducted by Touché Videoproduktion. In November 2013, the same producer published a video in which a drummer also appears surrounded by different scenarios - which naturally generates distinct reverberations, making the instrument sound in completely different ways (watch the video above).

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Via TecMundo.