Check out 15 fascinating water-related curiosities

About 69% of the fresh water on Earth is found in glaciers and polar regions in the form of ice.

2 - Still on fresh water, estimates indicate that 30% of it is found in aquifers, that is, “stored” below the surface.

3 - This means that, according to these calculations, only 1% of the world's freshwater is available for human consumption within easy reach.

bubbling water

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About 70% of our brain is made up of water. In the case of jellyfish and cucumbers, its composition is 95%.

But once again talking about the amount of water in the human body, the skin is made up of 64% of the fluid, while the composition of the muscles and kidneys is about 79% or so. Even bones contain water - 31% of them correspond to it, to be precise.

6 - Although it is not cool to pee in swimming pools, relieving yourself in the sea is clear - since 95% of urine is made up of water and the nitrogen in urea can be used as food by sea plants.

sea ​​creatures

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But speaking of swimming pools, the largest in the world is in Chile, measuring just over 1, 000 meters in length and containing approximately 250 million liters of marine water.

8 - Did you know that earthquakes can "turn" water into gold? In fact, what happens is that strong earthquakes can cause cracks in the rocks to open wider, causing a sudden drop in pressure. As a result, the fluids - and the gold dissolved in them - present in these fractures end up leaking rapidly, releasing the precious material.

9 Camels can drink an incredible 200 liters of water in about three minutes.

cat drinking water

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10 - And cats have kidneys so efficient that they are able to rehydrate even by drinking seawater!

11 Scientists have discovered a huge "reservoir" of water in space that contains the equivalent of 140 trillion times the amount of water present in Earth's oceans.

12 - The word "whiskey" is a Gaelic word whose translation means "water of life".

Interestingly, sound travels almost 5 times faster underwater than in the air.

Duckling diving

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14 - One study found that living in a place overlooking the sea - or the water in general, whether in the form of a river, lake, etc. - can make people calmer, happier and motivate creativity.

15 - People living in Africa and Asia are required to travel an average of 6 kilometers to collect water.


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