Check out 21 bizarre and very stylish hairstyles

A nice haircut can help one's self esteem. There are people who prefer the more traditional ones; others, something more revolutionary and modern. However, there are people who can create something that is totally out of step and that gets attention anywhere.

Next, you check out 21 bizarre hairstyles that look like weird carvings on the top of your head - maybe one of those doesn't inspire you to try a new look ...

1. Sundae Hair

2. Saiyan

3. Tomato Head

4. The real human pineapple

5. A Brazilian Classic

6. What are you looking at?

7. Doll Head

8. Mustache on the forehead

9. The hands of evil!

10. Head in the clouds

11. See me a balloon

12. Hair Rhino

13. Bad Cop

14. Christmas Tree

15. Carrots

16. Old Bieber

17. The all-seeing eye

18. A kiss for you

19. Noodles Hair

20. Dreadmullet

21. Helicopter