Biblical Confusion: Trembling Scholar Suggests Christ Was a Drag King

Everyone has heard that talk that football, politics and religion are topics that are not discussed, right? But we at Mega Curioso are faced with such controversy that we can't resist the temptation to share it with you. But before we set out the controversy, we want to make it clear that we are not going to take any stand and that we are simply sharing the curious - as a minimum - opinion of others. It wasn't us from Mega that invented this parade, ok? Do not fight with us!

Biblical bullshit

Anyway, according to Narjas Zatat of Independent / Indy100, the breath came after the publication of an article in a student journal called The Fenwick Review of a Catholic college in Massachusetts called the College of the Holy Cross, run by Jesuits. This article is written by Elinor Reilly, a former student of the institution, and in it she cites the unconventional analysis that a guy named Tat-Siong Benny Liew - who is a professor of theology and Director of New Testament Studies at college - made of Jesus.

Jesus of Nazareth

Hi? (Independent / Indy100 / Flickr / James Shepard)

According to Narjas - and Elinor - Liew suggests that Christ was neither male nor female, but possibly a Drag King. For those who don't know, the Drag Kings are the opposite of the Drag Queen, that is, they are women who dress like men to impersonate male characters. See ...

Man impersonating Christ

(Fox News)

As if it were little, besides suggesting that Christ was not biologically man, the teacher also revisits the Last Supper and argues that when Jesus washes the feet of his disciples, an action that was traditionally performed by women, he does so seductively., since, according to Liew, Christ would have removed his tunic in front of his followers and then put it back on during this episode - which led the teacher to relate the whole thing to a streaptease .

In fact, Liew has even analyzed other episodes described in the Bible, such as the crucifixion, and has also come to very controversial conclusions. And where did the guy get all these ideas? According to Elinor's article, the teacher drew on the New Testament accounts of John and he believes that while the apostle makes no direct reference to the anatomy of Christ, he leaves the issue of gender - female or male - in Open.

Real or fake?

Look, dear reader, Liew's analysis is so controversial and - regardless of one's belief - so far from all the descriptions and information that exist about Jesus (which are not few!) That we here at Mega were wondering if this whole story was not some bizarre April Fools prank. Maybe it is, and if we find out that it's all fake news, we'll come back for an update!

Tat Siong Benny Liew

This is the teacher, and college is the one that appears in the background (Fox News)

Anyway, we did a search and found the link to Elinor's article (you can access it here), to the faculty bio on the college website (available at this link) and found that the case was replicated by several websites. . Among the reactions we find, it seems that Robert J. McManus, bishop of Massachusetts, would have called Liew's statements blasphemous and said that he was deeply concerned that a person with such controversial views on Jesus' sexuality was director of a department in a catholic institution.

We also find information that Elinor's article was based on studies that Liew published about a decade ago and that are not used in the classroom by the teacher. And it looks like an online petition is being organized, organized by parents of students and college students, to get Liew, the blasphemous, expelled.