Know 10 Foods That Keep You Always Healthy

Having a healthy life has never been on the agenda as now, and there are countless television programs, magazines, products, and websites with unique information about healthy habits, diet, exercise, and the like. This is a great sign; after all, if there was no demand, this information would not be available in such vast quantities.

When it comes to food, there is plenty of advice on menus and diets, but do you know which foods can keep your health up to date? This list exists and of course it is not miraculous and does not mean that you should only eat these foods if you want to live well, the point being that they are considered fundamental and of utmost importance to maintaining your health. So it is good to consume them regularly. Know what foods are these:

1 - Eggs

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They are tasty, affordable and easy to prepare. Not only that, eggs are also a very rich source of quality protein, which will improve your muscle condition. In addition to protein, these foods contain fiber, which you already know: is good for your bowel function and increases your feeling of satiety - great for those who want to eat less. Eggs also contain antioxidants and are good for the eyes. Always prefer to eat them cooked or made with as little fat as possible.

2 - Chia Seed

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These seeds are a great source of omega 3 and help to reduce arthritis and heart disease problems. The chia is slow to expire, and you can eat it with your lunch, sprinkling the ground beans on your salad, soup, beans, or whatever you choose.

3 - Spinach

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Sailor Popeye was right: Spinach is rich in minerals like iron, magnesium, potassium and calcium. Vitamin C, present in spinach, will improve your immune system, and vitamin B will help the formation of new cells in your body. It's worth making a salad, isn't it?

4 - Salmon

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This fish is considered very healthy as it is also rich in omega 3 and vitamin D. Salmon is suitable for those who care about brain health and always want to have a good memory. In addition, this meat is also good for the skin.

5 - Nuts

Image Source: Playback / Less Weight

You probably already know that nuts contain the famous healthy cholesterol in addition to, of course, antioxidants. They prevent free radical actions, which are known to cause cellular damage. In addition, your heart will thank you, your cholesterol will be controlled and your mood more balanced.

6 - Apples

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If you want to lose weight, be aware that the apple is a great ally, as it contains pectin, a fiber that will make you satiated faster and longer, and lower LDL levels, the bad cholesterol. Plus, these fruits have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties - and the best: at just 70 calories. If you are a person who does not go without that sweetie after lunch, the apple quenches that will without problems. An apple a day will greatly improve your health.

7 - Red Fruits

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Strawberries, Blueberries, Cherries, Raspberry ... All these are also the source of the famous and miraculous antioxidant, as well as flavonoids and carotenoids, great substances to improve heart health. Recent studies have already revealed that this type of fruit prevents the emergence of urinary tract problems.

Raspberry, specifically speaking, is great for aiding the proper functioning of your gut, and is a good choice for those who want to lose a few pounds. Not to mention the anticancer substances that can give that gas to your memory. This beautiful and delicious fruit is also a good source of vitamin C.

8 - Chocolate

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You can give your little leaps of joy, no one will judge. A universal passion, dark chocolate is a good ally for healthy eating due to its high cocoa content, which in turn is rich in a substance called flavonol, which also acts as an antioxidant. Flavonol also helps lower blood pressure, the risk of blood clots forming, and treat inflammation. A little piece of chocolate a day can improve your cognitive functions, dust your memory, and lower your risk of brain disease. That's good news, isn't it? The tip is: eat moderately.

9 - Wine

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Of course you have heard that wine is good for your health, but you may not yet know the reasons that made it famous for one of the most popular drinks of all. The fact is that regular and moderate consumption of wine prolongs life and decreases the risk of getting diabetes and heart disease. The secret here is to consume little.

10 - Beans

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One of the most popular foods in our country is also one of the healthiest as it has high amounts of fiber, protein and iron. Beans are a great ally against heart problems and anemia. So, did you starve?