Lose Weight Taking Coffee Seed Extract

(Image source: Reproduction / Wikipedia)

Forget green tea, yellow, red, white or any color whatsoever. New research suggests that consuming coffee seed extract may help with weight loss.

The study's author, Dr. Joe Vinson, used an extract made from the plant's green seeds - the beans before being roasted and ground - in two different strengths of 700 and 1, 050 mg. The compounds were administered to obese subjects along with a placebo over a 22 week period.

The patients took all three compounds alternately, without making changes to their diet or exercise program. After the survey period, the results showed an average loss of eight pounds among participants and a 16% decrease in body fat index.

The chemistry of the extract

The researcher believes that weight loss is due to the effect of chlorogenic acid, which may be related to reduced glucose absorption and decreased hyperglycemic peak. Vinson even believes the participants would have lost even more weight if they had not switched between extract dosages and placebo.

Apparently, the extract is already available at some health food stores in the United States, and an article published by The Wall Street Journal states that the Starbucks coffee chain should start marketing an extract-based beverage soon. Could this new product favor a rise in coffee production and cause a mad rush to health food stores?