Found a skeleton in very strange circumstances in Poland

Calm down, calm, dear reader! Let's not talk about discovering the bones of any sinister creature or the skeleton of a possible alien. But let's talk about something very strange and unusual that a team of archaeologists have come across recently - the bones of a child in circumstances they have not yet been able to understand.


According to Michelle Star of Science Alert, the bones were originally found about 50 years ago during excavations conducted in a cave called Tunel Wielki in Poland's Saspowska Valley, a site that also contained human bones from more than 4, 5, 000 years. However, when all was discovered, the child's bone was simply cataloged and stored - without going through very detailed examinations - and his skull sent for study by anthropologists from Wroclaw.

Child skeleton

(Science in Poland / M. Kot)

Since then, the artifacts have remained archived until recently a team of scientists at the University of Warsaw Institute of Archeology "bumped" the bones and decided to take a second look at the items and records produced 5 decades ago. The researchers found, for example, that the bone consisted of the only “modern human” bones found, not only in the cave, but possibly throughout the region, and the absence of other Homo sapiens skeletons indicates that the child was buried alone in the cave. place.

Radiocarbon dating revealed that the young man lived about 200 years ago, between the late 18th and early 19th centuries, he was around 10 years old when he died, and examinations in ours showed that the child was malnourished. But the odd thing was, when the skeleton was found 50 years ago, archaeologists found 2 bird skulls with it - 1 inside the skull's mouth and the other placed next to what was then its face. Why? Who knows...


The birds, the researchers said, were identified as finches ( Fringilla coelebs ), and even after investigating and consulting numerous experts, the scientists found no record or information on the practice of burying people with birds for 2 centuries. Nor did they find an explanation as to why the child was left in the cave instead of being buried in the cemetery that was used by the locals.

Child bones

(Science in Poland / M. Kot)

Scientists even examined finch skulls, but found no sign of cuts in the heads of animals or clues as to what might have happened - and only concluded that the birds were adults. About the child's skull, no one knows what the artifact led to, so the team could only evaluate the records and detail produced by the archaeologists who discovered the skeleton.

And to make matters worse, the cave was severely degraded by human activities - begun not long after the child's burial - meaning that even if scientists returned to the site for further excavation, they would hardly find valid information to conduct a new study.

Still, the researchers haven't given up, they don't - and they intend to subject the child's bones to DNA testing to try to find out what might have caused their death and perhaps to find some clue about the bizarre burial. that she received. Are bird heads part of some religious ritual? Had the little one been the victim of any ceremony? Do you have any guesses to share?


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