These 11 selfies are among the most inconvenient of all time.

It is becoming increasingly common to record each moment with a selfie. The craze has taken hold of various social networks and has also revealed, besides the photogenic side of everyone, the great lack of notion in many cases. Here at Mega Curioso we have already talked, for example, about teenagers who think it is cool to post photos at funerals, remember?

The bizarre fad seems to have been successful and spread on other occasions that do not go well with a duckface, such as natural disasters or a visit to a concentration camp. Here are some of the most clueless selfies of all time:

1 - The rugged

Why not just have an accident, fracture skull bones, get stitches and hurt the face. An image of the rescue must be released before it even reaches the hospital.

2 - The fire and me

A wildfire in Carldbad, California, looked like a good backdrop for a selfie.

3 - Flight Look

Do you know that oxygen mask you hope you don't have to wear during a flight? Unlike you, there are people who think it is a good idea to record a moment of depressurization.

4 - Next to a homeless person

No more comments.

5 - Fine

The citizen was stopped by a traffic cop and found it good to record the moment.

6 - Smile

Because taking a picture in front of a fire seems like a great idea.

7 - Positive

A nice day.

8 - In Chernobyl

The region was the scene of one of humanity's saddest disasters. Let's go make a cutie?

9 - The one with the coffin

Some Wisconsin soldiers thought it was a good idea to make this “fun” picture next to a coffin.

10 - Duckface on the Berlin Wall

Because that's the very spirit of it.

11 - Animated Tour

Student Breana Mitchell was threatened after posting a smiling picture at Auschwitz concentration camp. The young woman said she was happy to have taken the walk with her father.


This is not a clueless photo, but it shows a group of happy friends in front of the Los Angeles freeway. What they didn't know was that the crowd record would capture a person's suicide at the same moment.