This guy drank a lot and woke up later with a bizarre selfie on his cellphone

A man identified only as Reece released an image taken by two police officers who had to take him home because he was too drunk to take a cab.

In the photo taken by the officers, Reece appears in the background, lying on his bed and apparently making an effort to make a positive sign while the police officers smile.

In the post that released the photo, the drunkard wrote that he was looking at his cell phone when he found some selfies with the cops who were responsible for ensuring that the boy came home not very healthy, but safe at least.

More luck than judgment

Tasmanian police have confirmed that it is indeed their officers who are in the photo released on the morning of last Sunday (28). The institution warned that the practice should not become common, that police do not work for it and that people should call a taxi when they leave home to drink - or use public transportation.

Sergeant Craig Fox, who spoke on the selfie, said police, however, "are always looking for a safe place for those affected by alcohol." He added by explaining that at the time of the photo, the police were fired by the taxi company, which did not know the address of the young drunk.

"When the police arrived, they found his address, took the man home and waited for a friend to come to the residence to take care of him, " the sergeant explained in a statement published in the Metro. Since the man was really upset, the cops took some selfies with his cell phone so he knew how he got back home. That's a poke, huh!


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