This 2-story bus has been converted into a homeless shelter

Good ideas are always worth sharing, and the story of a double-decker bus that was destined for scrap but had a completely different ending certainly deserves to be shared.

Joanne Vines received the suggestion in 2016 to turn a discarded bus into a shelter for those who need a place to sleep comfortably and safely.

In January this year she asked on Facebook if anyone knew of a bus that was scrapped and ended up getting three offers. The bus you'll see next was donated by a transportation company, and the model is a 72-year-old two-story Volvo Olympian.

As soon as Joanne received the no longer usable vehicle, she began to implement her retirement plan. She was helped by 80 volunteers to transform the vehicle, none of whom were experts on the subject, but with a lot of research they found out how to do the job.

Great initiative

This 2-story bus has been converted into a homeless shelter

This 2-story bus has been converted into a homeless shelter

This 2-story bus has been converted into a homeless shelter

This 2-story bus has been converted into a homeless shelter

This 2-story bus has been converted into a homeless shelter

This 2-story bus has been converted into a homeless shelter

This 2-story bus has been converted into a homeless shelter

This 2-story bus has been converted into a homeless shelter

This 2-story bus has been converted into a homeless shelter

This 2-story bus has been converted into a homeless shelter

This 2-story bus has been converted into a homeless shelter

A college in the Portsmouth region of England offered to make wooden bunk beds, and a housing association donated part of the kitchen. The project also had the voluntary contribution of an electrician and a plumber.

With online fundraising, the transformation project raised the equivalent of $ 26, 000, and now that it is finished, the bus is parked in the courtyard of a church that will house people who have nowhere to sleep.

For Joanne, happiness is twofold: in addition to helping those in need, she will now be able to rest after long hours of work.

Although England is a developed country, the number of homeless people is increasing - there are expectations that over half a million people will be sleeping on the streets in 2041.