This amazing timelapse shows a bean grain turn into a plant

Who hasn't done that experiment in high school to put a bean in a cup of cotton and water to see the grain sprout and grow into a plant? The process is relatively fast compared to the development of other species, but the video you will see soon speeds things up a bit and reveals what would happen over 25 days in just three minutes!

But before you watch nature working its miracles, let us talk a little bit about the video! According to Lori Dorn of Laughing Squid, it was produced by people from YouTube's GPhase channel - who previously shared similar content. To record the clip, the team planted a common bean grain in a glass container and captured 36 second sequences at 30 frames per second every 9 minutes over 25 days. The result of this hassle is as follows:

Have you seen how it all starts with a little root making its way down while gradually the forming stem sneaks upward until, within a few days, it finds its way to the light? Poetic, right? Finally, the video also shows how the plant is spreading its roots and settling in the soil to give stability to the leaves that grow on the surface. The clip really shows that science classroom experiment from our childhood from a new perspective, don't you think?