Avoid diabetes by eating cheese!

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According to a report published by The Telegraph, a new study suggests that eating cheese regularly can reduce a person's risk of developing type 2 diabetes - which causes the body to stop producing insulin properly - up to 12 times.

The results were obtained from the largest study ever conducted to determine the influence of diet on our health, showing that cheese lovers have much less risk of developing the disease than those who do not eat this food.

Good fat

Although many of us avoid adding cheese to our meals for fear of too many calories, researchers believe it can be rich in fats that are good for our bodies, triggering a kind of protective reaction when consumed.

Researchers have yet to identify exactly how this cheese-related mechanism works. Thus, they suggest that the product be consumed sparingly to avoid other health problems, such as obesity, for example, which in turn also increases the risk of an individual developing diabetes.

Anyway, cheese lovers can celebrate - discreetly - and to be perfect, how about combining it with a glass of wine?

Sources: The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition and The Telegraph