15 curiosities about the blood types you will enjoy knowing

1 - People with type O blood are twice as likely to attract - and be bitten by - mosquitoes as those with other blood types.

2 - On the other hand, insects do not seem to be very fans of type A blood and, consequently, those with this type of blood take less bites.

But back to the staff with blood type O, although this class has a bit more insect bite, these people are less likely to get the most lethal forms of malaria, since the proteins in the parasite that causes the disease are not. They bind to blood cells in the same way as other blood types.

Blood cells

(The Franklin Institute)

4 - People with type O blood are also less likely to suffer from coronary heart disease and thrombosis.

5 - Did you know that people with blood type A are more likely to have levels of cortisol - a stress-related hormone released by the body - higher than other blood types?

6 - Research has shown that individuals with blood type A are more likely to develop alcoholism, possibly due to the antigens present in this blood type.

Circulatory system

(Organic Lifestyle Magazine)

7 - A study of 30, 000 people found that people with blood type AB are 82% more likely to develop memory and dementia problems than people with other blood types.

8 - People with Type A blood should avoid excessive alcohol consumption, smoking and keep weight under control, as research has shown that these people are more likely to develop gastric cancers.

9 - As you may know, although there are bacteria that can cause very serious diseases, many are essential for the proper functioning of the organism and are part of our "ecosystem". For people with type B blood usually have 50, 000 strains of good bacteria more than individuals with type A or O blood.

blood bag


Speaking of bacteria, since people who have blood type O have a different immune response to infection with H. pylori bacteria, they are more likely to develop ulcers.

11 - However, those with this blood type are 37% less likely to develop pancreatic cancer than people of other blood types - precisely because of how individuals' immune systems respond to H. pylori infection.

Now a curiosity that everyone knows, but it is hard to reinforce: People with negative O-type blood are known as “universal donors, ” since individuals of any blood type can receive this blood.

Blood types


13 - Those with positive AB-type blood are known as “universal plasma donors”, a substance obtained from blood and can be used, for example, to treat burns and victims in shock.

14 - Did you know that only about 1% of the world population has blood type AB negative?

15 - The most common blood type in the world is O positive, closely followed by type A positive.


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