Take this quiz and find out if you are a porn addict

Before the internet, pornography was much more restricted, and people could buy their own videos or go into the embarrassing rooms of the video store, those with a curtain that were exclusive to customers over 18.

Today, by contrast, pornographic content of all styles is readily available, and this is worrying in some respects: firstly, with regard to the inadequate image young people end up having about sex (tip: this is not what you see at all) in the movies), and according to this easy access ends up creating people really addicted to pornography.

Addiction, in this case, is that which becomes compulsive, urgent and that overlaps other tasks. This is when a person stops going out with friends to stay at home watching porn, for example.


Researchers at Eötvös Loránd University in Hungary addressed this issue of pornography addiction and created a scale to identify the problem more easily. The idea is to make it clear that occasional consumption of pornography is not a problem, but that when it becomes an addiction, the person ends up having problems in their romantic, professional, family relationships and so on. In some cases, even medical and psychological help is needed - diagnosing addiction is then the first step.

To find out if you are addicted to pornographic content or not, review the following information and score each according to the following scale: 1: never; 2: rarely; 3: occasionally; 4: sometimes; 5: often; 6: very often; 7: all the time.

  • I feel that porn is an important part of my life.
  • I use porn to restore the tranquility of my feelings
  • I think pornography causes problems in my sex life
  • I feel like I have to watch more and more porn to satisfy me
  • I have tried unsuccessfully to reduce the amount of porn I watch
  • I get stressed when something keeps me from watching porn
  • I think about how good it would be to watch porn
  • Watching porn helps me get rid of my negative feelings
  • Watching porn keeps me from showing the best in me
  • I feel I need more and more porn to satisfy my needs
  • When I decide not to watch porn anymore, I can only do that for a short time.
  • I get agitated when I can't see porn
  • I ease my tensions by watching porn
  • I do not participate in other leisure activities because I watch porn
  • I gradually started watching more extreme porn because the porn I watched before was less satisfying
  • I resist watching porn for just a little while before giving in
  • I miss watching porn so much when I don't watch it for a while

According to the researchers, a sum score of 76 or higher indicates that there are problems with pornography consumption. This scale was created based on the responses of 772 people, men and women - of this total, 3.6% were in the risk group.

If you think such content is disrupting your life in some way, don't be shy and seek medical and psychological help.