Family has decided to work out together and after 6 months displays incredible results

Every year is marked by people who promise to take better care of their health, make smarter choices at mealtimes, go to the doctor more often, spend less time in front of the television, and of course, start moving their bodies more.

What helps keep these resolutions in focus are certainly good examples of people who have managed to improve in the same way we want to improve, too, and if your case includes going back to the gym, the following family history may be the little push that missing.

Basically, four people in the same family decided to start a physical activity routine together, photographing the results from time to time.

Incredible results

My family #fitness #gym #muscle #bodybuilding #sport #family

A post shared by ???? Xyjesse (@xyjesse) on Jan 3, 2018 at 5:07 PST

It all started when photographer Jesse's mother went to live with her son for a while to help him and his wife, who was about to have a baby. Jesse decided to call his dad to live with them too.

The father, in turn, arrived with a prominent belly, the result of years of excessive alcohol consumption. It was she, the beer belly, that made the photographer decide to propose the challenge of six months of physical activity, hoping that, besides losing weight, everyone would feel better psychologically as well.

It all started with some walking sessions that eventually led everyone to the gym. Fortunately, Jesse recorded the family's evolution, taking pictures of everyone every ten days, and the results are truly admirable. So if it was the inspiration you needed to start your journey, get inspired by Jesse's family:

Goodbye, pot belly!

Yes.we changed I designed the sweatshirt for us. #fitness #gym #muscle #bodybuilding #sport #daddy

A post shared by ???? Xyjesse (@xyjesse) on Jan 3, 2018 at 5:25 PST

Jesse also said goodbye to abdominal fat

Yes. I changed. #fitness #gym #muscle #bodybuilding #sport

A post shared by ???? Xyjesse (@xyjesse) on Jan 3, 2018 at 5:26 PST

Impressive difference!

With my daddy #fitness #gym #muscle #bodybuilding #sport #daddy

A post shared by ???? Xyjesse (@xyjesse) on Jan 3, 2018 at 5:09 PST

Difference in the couple too

My Daddy and Mom #fitness #gym #muscle #bodybuilding #sport

A post shared by ???? Xyjesse (@xyjesse) on Jan 3, 2018 at 5:05 PST

Gradual evolution

With my daddy from March to September #daddy #fitness #gym #muscle #bodybuilding #sport

A post shared by ???? Xyjesse (@xyjesse) on Dec 22, 2017 at 7:32 PST

And a surprising end result

My cool father. You are amazing. # Father #fitness #gym #muscle #bodybuilding

A post shared by ???? Xyjesse (@xyjesse) on Aug 5, 2017 at 7:18 am PDT