Photographer teaches simple and easy trick that can transform your portraits

It never hurts to know what another trick to make our photos cooler and more respectful of the conventional - and we at Mega Curious always share here tips that we find out there. This time we stumbled upon a super simple method used by a professional photographer called Mathias Fast.

According to Rokas L of the Bored Panda website, Mathias is especially dedicated to photographing weddings and has come up with an easy way to give portraits a more surreal and romantic air. What's most amazing is that the technique doesn't require the use of any special lenses or mind-blowing equipment - but something that ALL carries on its shoulder: a smartphone.

More precisely, according to Rokas, what Mathias does is to use the cell phone screen as a reflective surface to thus eliminate certain elements from the compositions and at the same time include unexpected ones through simple reflections. The result, as you will see below, is quite interesting - and best of all: the trick doesn't require much preparation and all the person behind the camera needs to do is use their creativity and do some testing. Check out:

This is one of the results:

Photographic trick

(Mathias Fast)

This one too:

Photographic trick

(Mathias Fast)

It's this one:

Photographic trick

(Mathias Fast)

Look at the same trick:

Photographic trick

(Mathias Fast)

And here, the result after a little editing:

Photographic trick

(Mathias Fast)


Photographic trick

(Mathias Fast)

In the clouds:

Photographic trick

(Mathias Fast)

Full Bows:

Photographic trick

(Mathias Fast)

Surrounded by nature:

Photographic trick

(Mathias Fast)

And ... Here's how the trick works:

Photographic trick

(Mathias Fast)

Look how simple!

Photographic trick

(Mathias Fast)

Hey dear reader! How about testing the technique and telling - or sharing the photos with us in the comments?


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