Cafeteria Cats in Japan Predict Earthquake

On June 18, a aftershock hit the city of Wakayama, Japan - the day before, a strong Richter-scale 6.1-point earthquake wreaked havoc and 5 deaths in Osaka, 70 km away. However, what is striking about this replica is the behavior of a group of CAT Café CATchy cats, which moments before the quake began to run wildly through the establishment. Check out:

Fortunately, none of the cats suffered during the incident. But how did the animals predict the quake? Are the paranormal cats? The real reason for this “feline wisdom” has not yet been discovered, but scientists believe that cats may have a greater sensitivity to the earth's magnetic fields and thus “predict” an earthquake shortly before it happens. Another theory is that animals are really sensitive, but in fact they feel the first tremors, still imperceptible to humans, of a medium or large earthquake.

A curious study related to this took place between the late 1980s and early 1990s: California researcher Jim Berkland noticed an increase in the number of people looking for missing cats a few days before major tremors. For Berkland, that would be an indication that the animals felt the first tremors - too weak for humans - and fled for protection.

Another possibility is that infrasonic sounds, that is, often far below the human capacity to hear, are created before earthquakes and that this is capable of altering animal behavior, ie not only cats would be able to "predict" an earthquake. In any case, it's always good to keep an eye on the behavior of your pets, are they giving Mother Dinah one?

earthquake cat

"That's crazy"


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