Man creates indestructible soccer ball and changes many children's lives

Brazil is recognized as the country of football, but it is certain that this sport is also one of the most popular on the planet. From wealthier social classes to the world's poorest communities, you can always find someone who likes to play naked. With that in mind, a boy named Tim Jahnigen created an initiative called The One World Futbol Project.

One World Futbol aims to provide simple solutions to the most complex problems faced daily by thousands of children around the world living in underserved communities. The founder of the project says he had the idea when he was at home watching a documentary about the lives of infants in remnants of severe wars.

While everything conspires for environments full of ruins and destruction, Jahnigen has heard that play is among the fundamental activities for children's good development, especially when they grow up in such difficult places. To assist in this endeavor, thousands of organizations around the world promote sporting events and practices to gather and entertain the little ones.

However, Tim realized that footballs taken to war zone refugee camps were inappropriate for use on terrain as uneven as those sites. “For this reason, the balls, which were specific for use on lawns, never lasted long in these environments, ” explains the project's creator, who also says: “Millions of balls were lost every year, making the children very sad.” .

A problem, a solution

So, Tim Jahnigen decided to intervene in this matter, creating a ball of such a resistant material that never deformed due to uneven floor or sharp surfaces. Also, the round is not empty either (or popularly "withered"), which exempts you from having to be filled from time to time even if you try to cut it.

So one of these balls can last for decades and make children happy for many, many years. “One of these balls lasts as long as a child's adventurous spirit, ” says the project's creator. If you enjoyed this guy's initiative, it's worth visiting the project's official website and finding out how you can also help with this cause.

The company that sells the products promises that for every ball sold, an identical ball will be donated to social causes. And the action covers many countries around the world, including underserved communities in Brazil - as you can see in the video above. Wouldn't FIFA replace the world tournament balls with The One World Futbol?