Amazing: Camera records 1 trillion frames per second

In 1969, it was possible to photograph for the first time a projectile piercing an apple. Inspired by this feat, Professor Ramesh Raskar got involved in a much larger project: inventing a camera that could keep up with the movement of light - and, as a result, keep up with the fastest speed known to science.

And the amazing thing is that he did it! The result? A camera that can shoot 1 trillion frames per second. The device is so amazing that you can also take pictures and film by mirroring the light, that is, “see” something (or person) that is behind a blind spot.

The invention can be used to save people in places where vision is impaired, to prevent traffic accidents and even to create a new kind of art. If you want to see a little of what this camera is capable of, just watch the video above - the work begins to be shown at two minutes of playback.

Amazing, no?

Source: YouTube