Jeff Bezos invests in search of alternatives to animal products

Billionaire Jeff Bezos announced an investment of $ 30 million, the equivalent of $ 114.8 million, in a Chilean company that is developing a technology to find plant alternatives for animal products. NotCo has already produced mayonnaise without the use of any animal products.

The Chilean company was founded in 2015 by Matías Muchnick, Pablo Zamora and Karim Pichara and is responsible for Not Mayo, a mayonnaise substitute made from a chickpea base. The product was successful in supermarket chains in Chile such as Walmart, Cencosud, Tottus and Unimarc, attracting the attention of investors such as Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos.

Image: Press Release / NotCo

The idea of ​​NotCo is to use the money invested to use in the development of its new product, alternatives to milk and ice cream. To this end, an artificial intelligence platform called Guiseppe is being used for testing with different sources and their advantages over animal products. The idea is that the product is ready in 2019, for release in the United States and Mexico.

In addition to Amazon CEO CEO Bezos Expeditions, other companies have invested in NotCo, such as The Craftory, a global investment fund, Kaszek Ventures and IndieBio.

Jeff Bezos invests in search for alternatives to animal products via TecMundo