5 Popular Health Tips That Are Just Nonsense Myths

Who has never heard of things like “You can't wash your hair when you have your period” or “You can't eat mangar with milk, because it causes death”? These are just some of the most common myths we hear throughout our lives that many people still believe. But this is not the way things work: many of these rumors arose in the earliest times, and surely you may have heard from your grandparents as they go from generation to generation.

The time has come to discover the truth and see that not all popular sayings are exactly what they say. See below for popular health tips that don't have a shred of real.

1. “No bath right after eating”

Surely many people have heard this story that bathing right after a meal can be bad, but keep calm: this is just a badly told myth. The truth is that you can't go to a sauna, as this may cause your blood pressure to drop as vasodilation occurs. It's best to let your body focus on digestion after a meal, but if you need a bath, go without fear!


2. “Drink sugar water to calm down”

I bet that at some point of nervousness in your life someone must have already offered you the famous sugar water that supposedly has the gift of calming the mood. Know that this is also a popular belief, since it does not have this power, no ... The most that can occur is a sense of pleasure released by the brain, via dopamine.

water with sugar

3. “Don't take a hot shower and get out in the cold wind to keep your mouth from bending”

Some believe that taking a hot shower and then going out in the freezing wind due to thermal shock can bend your mouth. But that's not even 1% true: Heat shock can be pretty nasty, but it can't cause facial paralysis in a person.


4. “Cut your hair to grow faster”

Do you really believe that living scalp cells have a way of knowing when you cut the ends of the hair? Consider the fact that hair is dry strands of keratin, meaning dead tissue, so what influence can scissors have on them? Trimming eliminates split, dry ends, but it will not contribute to your rapid growth, it will only make you healthier.


5- “Don't walk barefoot so you don't get the flu or pneumonia”

This is one of the biggest myths and leads countless people to believe! We have heard since we were born about it and many die believing it to be true. Not to mention that even after reading this is a popular belief, you are still likely to be in doubt. But be aware that both diseases are contracted through viruses and bacteria and that there are simple actions to prevent the flu. Spoiler: Wearing shoes is not one of them! So just standing with your bare foot on the floor (even if it's cold) won't get you the flu.

You can walk barefoot even in the snow if you want, but if you don't have the flu virus and pneumonia bacteria in the air, you'll never get sick. Of course, other problems may arise, such as cold weather and a foot bug.


* Via advisory


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