More women have become heads of households in recent years

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The number of women who became head of household has increased in the last seven years in Brazil. Today, 36% of the female population is responsible for the cost of the house, before that rate was 31%.

Data are from the Target Group Index, a study by IBOPE Media that conducted 20, 736 interviews between July and August 2012 with Brazilians of both sexes and ages ranging from 12 to 75 years.

About women heads of households, the institute also found that 42% like their living standards and 58% consider themselves good stewards of their own money. The vast majority (76%) also revealed that they do not like debt, while 57% said they would like to save money but find it difficult to make money left at the end of the month.

Plans for the future

Although the salary is not always left over, most Brazilian women, whether they are heads of household or not, already have big spending plans for the future. Among the respondents, 27% intend to buy a car this year and 6.74% want to travel abroad for the first time.

But there are also those who do not care much about the future: 34% of Brazilian women who participated in the study said they prefer to enjoy the present without making plans.