Watermelons are sold in Japan in the form of ... buttocks?

Yeah, Japan. Needless to say here again, this Asian country is just fantastic and culturally rich, but it is inevitable to say that there are some bizarre things in the Land of the Rising Sun. Watermelons are quite popular in the country, being consumed at all times of the year. However, there is a type of watermelon that is doing much more successfully than usual.

Japanese farmer Mitsuo Shibata, 58, came across a rather unusual watermelon growing on his plantations. “For over 40 years I have been working in watermelon planting and this is the first time I have seen one with this format, ” commented Shibata. The watermelon in question is nothing more than two twin watermelons that are stuck together and, curiously, resemble the shape of a butt.

The phenomenon is not that rare and twin watermelons have appeared on the Japanese market more than once, always being quite successful - and always on display before being marketed. The local press even calls them "butt-like watermelons." Below are some examples of this type of watermelon that have already been found in Japanese territory: