Transgenic corn may be related to tumor growth

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According to El Mundo, a group of researchers from the University of Caen, France, conducted a study in which they found that laboratory mice fed solely on Monsanto transgenic corn or exposed to its most commercialized herbicide - Roundup - developed tumors and had multiple damage to various organs.

During the study, the researchers evaluated a group of animals fed a variety of seeds known as NK603, genetically engineered to support Roundup herbicide doses. In addition, the scientists also assessed the mice's water consumption, which contained levels higher than those allowed in the United States for this substance.

Safe GMOs?

The results showed that 50% of males and 70% of females exposed to transgenic seed and water with high herbicide levels died earlier than rats following a normal diet - with 30% and 20% mortality, respectively - in addition to severe kidney and liver damage and breast tumors.

Earlier studies had already suggested the risk of consuming GMOs, but were questioned by Monsanto on the grounds that they are inconclusive and have little evidence. And even after this study, which will be published by the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology, the multinational continues to claim that its products are safe.


According to information submitted by Monsanto, there are numerous scientific studies that point to the safe consumption of genetically modified foods, in line with that established by regulatory authorities around the world.

In addition, Monsanto also argues that millions of animals are fed GM corn and soybeans, and trillions of meals containing meat or genetically modified products have been consumed in recent years, without a single proven case of health problems related to these products.

Sources: El Mundo and The Grocer