Woman at the wheel ... drives a lot better than you, smartass

There is a convention of testosterone-bogged men who believe that driving well is synonymous with speed, fast traffic cuts and meticulously perfect accelerations. Apparently, the safety and welfare of the driver next door do not fit this equation. In the jungle of the streets, one phrase is often used by these men: "Woman behind the wheel, constant danger." Well, according to Privilege Insurance research, you got it wrong. Wrong rude.

The survey looked at over 1, 300 people of both sexes in the UK. And the result was that women (23.6 points) fared better than men (19.8 points) in both research-assisted and anonymous tests.

Another thing Privilege found was: 28% of women say they are better drivers. Meanwhile, only 13% of men think they actually drive more at the wheel.

As you can see from the published table, in the tailgating category (when you are too close to the vehicle ahead causing a risk of collision), only 4% of them have failed. Among them, 27% were at risk of collision.

The positive categories won by men were: effective observation (checking blind spots), steering / vehicle control and appropriate curves.

According to instructor Neil Besson, who helped with Privilege's tests, "the results were amazing." This is because, in his experience, men have always learned better and performed better in class. However, it appears that women retain information more accurately.

So, before you start talking nonsense around, driving friends, let's remember that it drives well those who are within the established limits and understands that we are all part of an ecosystem with positive and negative consequences.

* Posted on 5/20/2015


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